Sunday, July 5, 2009

Dancing to the King of Pop

Don't ask me where Brennan got his dancing skills, but I think he's pretty cute! He's watching a video of MJ dancing...


kj said...

He is too cute. I can't wait to squeeze him again.

robin said...

that kid of yours is just entirely too cute for words!

evie said...

Oh my goodness...he just must be so full of personality!

Rebecca said...

He has such focus! I'm thinking he must have picked up his dancing skills from his parents. :)

MimI said...

Brennan you need to teach MiMi some of your moves. Too Too cute!

Lori said...

SO cute!!!!! That is definite future wedding rehearsal dinner material!

LuLaRoeMeg said...

definitely cute!!!

Kim said...

I'm Lori's sister-in-law and just had to check out this video. I loved his little hands going up in the air and was just waiting for him to spin around in the chair in true MJ style. He's got potential, but I'm not sure if you really want him to achieve that kind of superstar fame. Kim

2sweet said...

Ohoh, it looks like there's a new king of Pop in town. GOOOOOOOOOOOOO BRENNAN!