Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Happy 6 month Birthday Haven!

Can you believe how quickly 6 months go bye? Haven has been a great addition to our family over the past six months. She has been such an easy baby she almost makes me want another one (not really, just saying). She is sitting up, laughing hysterically at her brother, grabbing anything she can and sticking it in her mouth, sleeping through the night (7pm-6:30am praise the Lord!), napping three times a day, eating some baby foods, has no teeth, can roll over but still hates tummy time, a very content baby, loves to smile and strain her neck to see what Brennan is doing at all times, loves when her daddy walks into a room, and is growing like a weed! I am one blessed mama. I can't wait to see what her personality really shapes up to be!


Lori said...

What a ham!!! So cute!!! Haven looks like she has loads of personality. You are a blessed mama indeed!

MimI said...

Haven, Mimi say this enough you are a little precious doll baby! We are so bless to have you and your big brother.

Whitlocks said...

Just adorable! I love that last photo.