Saturday, September 4, 2010

8 months old!

Haven is now 8 months I can remember...
She just got her first bottom tooth
She still takes three naps (unless we are out and about most of the day)
She wants to crawl and walk, but has not quite mastered either
She has started to have separation anxiety when I leave the room
She knows who people are...especially strangers
She has a beautiful belly laugh when you tickle her in the right spot
She still isn't a predictable eater...she doesn't seem to love baby food (does anyone have good suggestions for heathy table food for a baby with no teeth?)
She still loves her brother and watches his every move - she doesn't even mind when he grabs her arms and pinches her all of the time!
She gets bored of the same toys...she wants to explore new ones, especially the ones Brennan is playing with
She gets mad when you take something away from her
She can get her feelings hurt if you talk sternly to her and it will break your heart!
She is a sweet beautiful baby and I thank the Lord for her...she is growing way too fast!


evie said...

she is a beauty! noah has that same car and loves it to death!

about the food: a friend of mine swears that kids can regulate their own food, so she cuts up soft veggies/fruit into spears and lets the kids go at it. i never felt totally comfortable with that, so i just diced up soft things for noah...avocado, steamed carrots, steamed apples, steamed/roasted sweet pots...etc...

Whitlocks said...

Your kids have the best smiles. I can't believe how big Haven is...hope you guys are having a great weekend. We need to get together soon.

MimI said...

Beautiful pictures,my sweet Haven!

Lori said...

Kerry she is precious!!!! A tooth!!! So jealous-- Emerson still doesn't have any teeth. Enjoy these moments it does fly by!